Review of Fall 骑 Season

With a calendar packed full of horse shows this fall season, 写骑手和庆祝他们的成功的时间被旅行和指导所占用. 现在, 每个人都松了一口气,开始了冬季的常规训练,减少了比赛的旅行, we are excited to share news of the riders’ fall horse show adventures.
Cierra C. ’25 Competed in NAL and WIHS National Finals
秋季日历有通常的日期加上一些补充,因为我们准备一匹马和骑手参加今年秋天的两场全国总决赛. 准备工作在9月的第二个星期正式开始. ’25 attended the Maryland Horse & Pony show in Upper Marlboro, MD, to allow her quirky mare, 詹尼沙MK(珍妮), 在本赛季晚些时候参加北美联盟(NAL)和华盛顿国际马展(WIHS)儿童跳马决赛之前,对场地进行预览. Jenny and Cierra had a good show, 在课堂上赢得漂亮的绶带,让他们为即将到来的决赛设想一个比赛计划. 这额外的一步得到了回报,他们在NAL总决赛的欢迎组中获得了第11名,并在10月的第一周举行的Capital Challenge比赛中以4分的成绩完成了总决赛的第一轮. While pleased with her performance and horse, Cierra was even more confident and decisive at the WIHS Finals, which took place a few weeks later at the same location. Cierra完成了一个漂亮的回合,不幸的是有一根栏杆掉了下来,她很感激能和家人分享这一刻, who flew in from Colorado to cheer for her. With her first set of National Finals under her belt, Cierra期待着另一个激动人心的世界经济论坛赛季,并希望在2024年秋季获得更多资格. 

虽然对跳远决赛的期待决定了秋季赛程的一些补充, 定期的表演仍然保留在日程表上,福克斯克罗夫特的骑手们都出席了. Starting the third week of September, 猎人们在离校园不远的厄珀维尔举行的米德尔堡经典表演会上展示了他们的技能. Representing Foxcroft was 帕蒂一. ’25 and her wonderful horse, Trending; and 阿勒娜年代. ’25 and her fantastic new young horse Luxiro Z. 两位骑手都参加了一些预备班和大龄儿童猎人的比赛,取得了以下成绩:
  • 帕蒂一. ’25 & 的趋势, Local Jr/Am 2’9”: 5th, 6th; Children’s: 5th, 7th, 7th under saddle; NAL/WIHS Children’s Classic: 4th
  • 阿勒娜年代. ’25 & Luxiro Z — Local Jr/Am 2’9”: 3rd, 4th; Children’s: 4th, 7th, 6th under saddle; NAL/WIHS Children’s Classic: 6th
Piedmont Jumper Classic
接下来的一周, 10名骑手选择留在学校参加皮埃蒙特跳马经典赛,而不是离开学校去过秋季假期. This show saw riders of all levels, 有些是已经建立的伙伴关系,有些是争夺福克斯克罗夫特的新对手. 我们特别兴奋地欢迎新成员的加入:佩内洛普M. ’27 and her mare MTM Fashionista; 埃斯米维. ’27 and her leased horse, Pablo; and 米歇尔·L. ’27 on Foxcroft’s Cappuccino Ice. These three riders joined Anneliese C. 26岁,当时林德伯格F. 26年,麦迪·K. 26岁,索菲亚·K. 26,莎拉·B. [25]. ’25, showing in classes ranging from the .65m - .75米至1米.15米高. 特别表彰Valeska骑蓝星在低儿童分区预备锦标赛, 感谢埃斯梅在她第一次租借巴勃罗的表演中,带领他参加了她所在部门的预备锦标赛, and then some extra loud clapping for Anneliese and Noodle, who galloped their way to the Championship in the .65m - .75m! 同时,向所有在比赛中获得以下奖项的骑手们致敬:
  • Cierra C. ’25 & Generosa MK — High Child: 3rd, 5th; NAL/WIHS Child Classic 5th 
  • 当时林德伯格F. ’26 & Blue Star — Low Child: 1st, 2nd; Low Child Classic: 3rd; Low Child 储备冠军
  • 米歇尔·L. ’27 & Cappuccino Ice — Low Child: 2nd, 3rd; Low Child Classic: 2nd
  • 佩内洛普·米. ’27 & MTM时尚达人 .80: 2; .皮埃蒙特大道85米: 3rd
  • 埃斯米维. ’27 & 巴勃罗- .80: 3; .皮埃蒙特大道85米: 2nd, 3rd, 3rd; .皮埃蒙特大道85米 储备冠军
  • 莎拉·B. ’25 & The Dude Abides - .80: 4; .皮埃蒙特大道85米: 6th, 6th
  • 索非亚K. ’26 & 抽奖的运气- .80米:第6,第7
  • 玛迪K. ’26 & 凯斯宾4 - .80: 7日; .皮埃蒙特大道85米: 4th, 5th
  • Anneliese C. ’26 & Pourdire - .65m - .75m: 1st, 1st, 1st, 2nd; .65m - .75m 冠军
  • 帕蒂一. ’25 & 的趋势, competed in the .皮埃蒙特大道85米 
WIHS Regional and Zone 3 Championships
还有几周的时间来确定更多的合作伙伴并完成一些马匹搜索, 在10月第三周举行的WIHS地区和3区锦标赛上,骑手人数有所增加. 整整一个星期,14名骑手在福克斯克罗夫特的旗帜下,参加了猎人和跳楼者的比赛. This roster also included two riders, 当时林德伯格F. [26]张建军,张建军. ’25, 谁有资格参加周日举行的地区锦标赛低档和高档儿童跳远比赛. 

  • 回潮米. ’27 & Brunello di Montalcino — USHJA 2’: 6th, 8th 
  • 卡洛琳V. ’27 & Dapper Dan — USHJA 2’: 7th, 7th 
  • 塔比瑟H. ’27 & 50 Shades — USHJA 2’: 4th 
  • 阿勒娜年代. ’25 & Luxiro Z — Old Ch: 5th 
  • Cierra C. ’25 & Generosa MK — High Ch: 6th; Zone Children’s Welcome: 1st; Zone Children’s Championship: 5th 
  • 当时林德伯格F. ’26 & Blue Star — Zone Low Child Championship: 3rd
  • 当时林德伯格F. ’26 & Cappuccino Ice — competed in the Low Child & the Zone Low Child Championship
  • 米歇尔·L. ’27 & Allegra van het Eikenhof Z — 1.0 m: 6 
  • 佩内洛普·米. ’27 & MTM时尚达人 .85: 8 
  • 埃斯米维. ’27 & 巴勃罗- .85: 5
  • 帕蒂一. ’25 & 的趋势, .85: 7
  • Subira K. ’25 & Lucylle — competed in the .75m & .85m 
  • 索非亚K. ’26 & 抽奖的运气- .85: 7 
  • 玛迪K. ’26 & Cento de Revel - .75: 6
  • Anneliese C. ’26 & Pourdire - .75米:第7、8名; .85: 10
所有的车手都做得很好,学到了很多东西,同时也在许多有大量参与者的班级中取得了成功. It was a fun experience for riders, parents, and trainers alike!

November Harvest Classic
秋季结束时,他们乘船前往宾夕法尼亚州的天鹅湖马厩,参加11月第二周举行的11月丰收经典秀. 再一次。, a large group of riders, ten with eleven horses, 利用这次郊游,从猎人和跳绳班带回了一大批丝带. A special moment included 佩内洛普·米. ’27 with Fancy and 玛迪K. ’26 with Caspian tying for Reserve Champion in the .90米跳投. 

  • 回潮米. ’27 & Brunello di Montalcino — USHJA 2’: 3rd; USHJA 2’3”: 7th; 2’3” Modified: 4th, 5th, 6th
  • 卡洛琳V. ’27 & Dapper Dan — USHJA 2’3”: 6th, 6th; USHJA 2’6”: 4th, 8th; 2’3” Modified: 6th, 8th; Low Children’s: 8th; Low Adult/Children’s Horse/Pony Classic: 5th
  • 阿勒娜年代. ’25 & Luxiro Z — USHJA 2’9”: 3rd, 3rd; Older Children’s: 2nd, 2nd, 5th, 5th under saddle; NAL/WIHS/M&S Child/Adult Classic: 4th
  • 米妮B. ’27 & Voila — USHJA 2’9”: 5th; USHJA 3’: 7th, 7th, 7th, 3rd under saddle; Ygr Children’s: 5th, 6th, 7th, 2nd under saddle; NAL/WIHS/M&S Child/Adult Classic: 9th
  • 当时林德伯格F. ’26 & 蓝星- 1.0m Low Child/Adult: 2nd, 3rd; Low Child/Adult Classic 1st
  • 米歇尔·L. ’27 & Allegra van het Eikenhof Z — 1.0m: 1st; Low Child/Adult: 4th, 4th
  • 佩内洛普·米. ’27 & MTM时尚达人 .90米:第二、三、七名; .9000万股权:第三; .90m 储备冠军
  • 埃斯米维. ’27 & 巴勃罗- .90m: 2nd, 4th, 7th; .9000万股权:第9名
  • 莎拉·B. ’25 & The Dude Abides - .80: 1; .90: 4 
  • 玛迪K. ’26 & Cento de Revel - .80米:第3、6名; .9000万股权:第6位
  • 玛迪K. ’26 & 凯斯宾4 - .80: 4; .90米:第二名、第四名 .9000万股权:第二; .90m 储备冠军 
And that’s a wrap for the fall season! 而冬季是做骑行作业和巩固基本功的时候, it also has some competitive activities on the calendar. Stay tuned for results from the Winter Equestrian Festival, 一些国际能源署显示, and possibly some other venues.
See our 隐私政策 for additional information.

An all-girls boarding and day school in Northern Virginia, 福克斯克罗夫特为9-12年级的年轻女性在大学和生活中取得成功做好准备. Our outstanding academic program offers challenging courses, including Advanced Placement classes and an innovative 阀杆 program. Our premiere equestrian program is nationally recognized, and our athletic teams have won conference and state championships. Experience the best in girls' boarding schools: visit Foxcroft.